Relationship Coach

15 Gemstones for Love and Relationship: Manifest Dream Love Life and Heal Broken Heart

15 Gemstones for Love and Relationship: Manifest Dream Love Life and Heal Broken Heart

Gemstones are not mere aesthetic rocks meant to speak for the “rich taste” or “status” of the wearer.  Instead, these are mystical powerhouses of positive energies capable of transforming your career, health, happiness, and also, your love life. 

To be loved and to be in love is one of the most beautiful feelings. It empowers you to live your best life when a partner is holding your hands, loving you, and supporting you throughout. However, the pains of love overpower the joys of love sometimes.

Being unsatisfied in love degrades your aura and tramples your energy. You exist at a much lower frequency when you’re unhappy in a relationship.

There is a special gemstone for each one of your specific love and relationship problems. Whether you’re attracting a partner, trying to spice things up, dealing with a breakup, or struggling with self-love, gemstones are here to help you out.

In this article:

  1. Gemstones to attract a partner
  2. Gemstones to get over a Breakup
  3. Gemstones to cultivate self-love
  4. Gemstones to improve romance, sensuality, and intimacy
  5. Gemstones to repair or maintain a harmonious long-term relationship


You can either wear these gemstones or crystals as an ornament, carry them with you or keep them at your home as per Vastu Shastra. Let’s get started!

15 Gemstones for Love and Relationship:

●    Gemstones to attract a partner

1. Rose Quartz

The best love stone for attracting a loving partner, Rose Quartz is known for opening your heart chakra. It eliminates feelings of prejudice and remorse and emits vibrations of compassion and understanding. For best results, wear it near your heart or keep two stones in your bedroom.

2. Ruby

Ruby is the gemstone of passion, attraction, initiative, and confidence. Its energy allows you to break free of your mental blocks and accept love in your life with open hands. Wear it to amplify your natural sensual attraction.

3. Emerald

Are you looking for a partner who is loyal, trustworthy, and respects you? Then emerald is the gemstone for you. This green-colored stone brings stability, commitment, and abundance to a relationship.

●    Gemstones to get over a Breakup

4. Black Obsidian

Also known as the “protection stone”, the Black Obsidian stone protects you against negative emotions and energies. When everything feels lost, it helps you to stay grounded and feel safe. You can also keep it in your hands while meditating to release trauma and grief related to a breakup.

5. Amethyst

A heartbreak can make you question everything around you. It leaves you with uncertainty, confusion, and a disrupted state of mind. Amethyst is well-known for its healing properties. Not only does it soothe your pain, but also promotes balance and clarity.

6. Rhodonite

This stone of compassion heals emotional shock and treats past wounds. It helps balance your yin and yang while stabilizing your nervous system’s “fight or flight” mode which gets activated in a narcissistic relationship.

●    Gemstones to cultivate self-love

7. Sunstone

Sunstone is a mood-boosting crystal used to release self-limiting beliefs and fight unhelpful patterns. The beautiful stone helps promote confidence and independence. It keeps you motivated even in the darkest of days by syncing you with your brilliant natural qualities.

8. Rhodochrosite

Self-love begins when you forgive yourself for your past mistakes, embrace your flaws, and still decide you are worthy of love and self-acceptance. This gemstone shows you that even when things need a change, you still deserve kindness and appreciation.

9. Citrine

Known as the “stone of abundance,” citrine carries high vibrational positive energy useful in boosting self-esteem and confidence. It is believed to promote joy, motivation, and self-expression. Wear it as an ornament or carry it with you when heading to a social event.

●    Gemstones to improve romance, sensuality, and intimacy

10. Garnet

Garnet is the stone of passion. The deep red-colored stone should be your go-to if your relationship is yearning for some intense action beneath the sheets. Apart from making you more desirable, it also balances the connection between the two partners resulting in deep intimacy. It facilitates understanding, and sensuality and brings back the lost spark.

11. Red Jasper

The Red Jasper gemstone transforms your sexual life by directly targeting your root chakra. It is powerful in healing your intimacy issues, improves libido, and allows you to last longer. Carry this stone in your pockets to keep it near your reproductive organs.

12. Carnelian

The reddish-orange color of this love stone empowers your inner fire and fills you with positive sexual energy. It radiates powerful, confident, and fearless vibrations ready to amp up romance in your love life. 

●    Gemstones to repair or maintain a harmonious long-term relationship

13. Blue Lace Agate

Linked to the heart chakra, blue lace agate is a communication gemstone known for its calming qualities. Those who have been betrayed in the past can benefit greatly from this stone. It helps them to be more open in their relationships and express their feelings freely without the fear of rejection.

14. Lapis Lazuli

Known as the stone of friendship and truth, wearing Lapis Lazuli repairs the bond between lovers and brings playfulness back into a relationship. Happy couples can also wear or carry it to revive or maintain harmony, honesty, positivity, and open communication.

15. Amazonite

A relationship is a lifetime commitment of constant efforts, understanding, and mutual respect.  Associated with the heart and throat chakra, Amazonite’s energy helps to retain a long-term relationship. It assists in establishing trust, resolves conflicts, and deepens connection through excellent communication.

Way to go…

Not only are gemstones great for love and relationships, but they are also amazing gifting options for your dear one. The incredible metaphysical properties of gemstones are life-changing.

Whether you seek to attract a partner or bring the spark back in your current relationship, heal your broken heart, or cultivate self-love, there are gemstones suited for each purpose. So what are you waiting for? Let me know in the comments section below which gemstone you want to get your hands on!

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